P.S. Charlie Charlie bo BARLEYYYY!!
Jenny |
Mommy |
Mommy |
One of the many memories that I have of my sweet Charlie was the day she was born. My induced labor began around 11PM on December 4th and I remember thinking it wasn't so bad. I mean it was painful, but it wasn't what I expected it to be. Erick and I were so excited to know that we would be seeing and holding her soon and worked through every contraction with the help of our wonderful doula Luann.
Finally sometime the next day, the doctor told us that I haven't dialated passed 4 or 5 centimeters and gave me the option to break my water. After discussing the positives and negatives, we obliged and that is when the real pain began. Needless to say, most of what occured was a blur to me at that point because the pain was blinding. What I do remember was the sense of knowing that Charlie was ready to be born.
So, at 3:58 PM Charlie emerged and the first two things that I thought when I saw her were, "Wow, I can't believe she is here" and "Wow, I hope she doesn't look like that forever!" She was all squished, swollen, and her poor little head was a perfect cone. After Erick cut her cord, Charlie would begin to breath on her on and then stop. This happened a few times, so before I had a chance to hold her the nursing team made sure she was stable. I was on pins and needles the whole time and the fear on Erick's face was obvious.
Finally, they placed my sweet Charlie in my arms. Oh, how I wish I could go back to that moment. She was so soft, so sweet, so wonderful. I was in total shock that I she was mine and I actually had a baby:) After a few minutes, Erick followed the team to the NICU where they did a few tests on Charlie.
Due to Charlie's heart condition, I knew they would be bringing her to the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) soon after. But to my surprise they brought her back to me so that I could hold her again. I loved being with her and holding her. She felt so good in my arms.
I was able to see and hold Charlie again later on that night after the doctors made sure I was okay. She was lying there in her little bed sleeping peacefully. She was just so sweet.
Jenny D. |
My little angel, I could NOT wait to meet her. I was soooo anxious because everyone else got to meet and hold her and I could not wait for my turn. When I finally arrived in
One day I will never ever forget was when mami and I went out in the snow storm to get Charlie a radio because she needed to listen to her lullabies. This was the same weekend I met her. Mami and I went to EVERY open store that we could find that could possibly have a radio. Finally we went to that Wal-Greens by the Stop-n-Shop and were able to find her the radio. We were soooo ecstatic because we knew not only how happy Charlie would be to hear her cds but B really wanted her to hear them as well. While at the Wal-Greens we picked up a pack of cards which I would later use to spank Erick in spit (lol). That little radio played hours and hoursss of lullabies which we all made into Charlie lullabies. I LOVEDDD playing the Charlie lullabies on her adorable little feet. Man do I miss those little feet and all of that precious angel and her distinct and delightful scent. Every time I catch even the slightest scent of Purell it brings me right back to her room that we were sooooo excited for her to get because she was out of the ECMO corner and in her own room. Well these are just some of the memories I have of my precious angel and I will share some more with time. I LOVE YOU Charlie-Bear, Beatriz and Edwarp. Charlie Charlie bo Barleyyyy, Banana Fanna fo Farleyyyyy, Feee Fi mo Marleyyyyy…. CHARLIIEEEEE!!!!
Sheryl Hesch |